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The Ethics of Security: With Respect and Gratitude to the Victims of January 1, 2013

As initially posted on the Heartfile blog. Heartfile is a non-profit NGO think tank with a focus on policy analysis and innovative solutions for improving health systems in Pakistan. It is a great privilege to contribute to Heartfile’s blog, particularly on a day when the only possible first words must honour the Pakistani aid workers brutally shot and killed only a few hours ago. They were leaving a community center with a primary school and medical clinic that press reports note took part in the polio vaccination campaign. (more…)



Intentional Ethics

January 1 often kicks off with intentions: New Year’s resolutions. The importance of intentions also surfaces widely in spiritual, political, literary, and philosophical works too numerous for a blog, as well as in criminal law (e.g. intentional murder versus manslaughter) and various social interactions (“it’s the thought that counts”). However, in ethics oversight organizational leaders all too often fail to clarify the intentions underlying ethics initiatives. That is, instead of focusing on intended ethics outcomes, they stop short and consider the analysis complete upon identification of a list of ethics actions. (more…)

Les Intentions Éthiques

Le 1er janvier est souvent l’occasion d’afficher de nouvelles intentions : les « bonnes résolutions » de la nouvelle année. L’importance du caractère intentionnel apparaît dans un grand nombre de travaux, qu’ils soient spirituels, politiques, littéraires ou philosophiques (ceux-ci sont trop nombreux pour les citer tous ici), ainsi que dans le droit pénal (par exemple, l’homicide volontaire par opposition à l’homicide involontaire) et que dans les relations sociales (« c’est l’intention qui compte »). Cependant, en ce qui concerne la supervision éthique, les dirigeants d’organisations manquent bien trop souvent de clarifier les intentions qui sous-tendent les initiatives éthiques. Cela signifie qu’au lieu de se concentrer...

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